Tell the World

Oh, thank God—He's so good! His love never runs out. All of you set free by God, tell the world! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so...Psalm 107:2

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Speak Lord!

For about the past five days, it seems that one thing after the next is flooding into my heart. I believe God is speaking, shaping and teaching. He definitely has my attention, and my curiosity is piqued. It has been pretty cool because there are several things that have come my way that I haven't even sought out. I am seeking God, praying with much honesty, vulnerability, and surrender. But I haven't been digging, striving, or working. I've been waiting. In the next few days, I want to post about what some of these things are, and hopefully in writing them out it will help me take it in. I'm just awed because it all came to me, no effort of my own, and they are all speaking the same message.

For now, I just want to post a few lyrics from a Steven Curtis Chapman Christmas song.

For the God who spoke is speaking still. And the God who came still comes. And the miracle that happened still happens in the heart that will believe and receive the miracle of Christmas.

So come to Bethlehem again and see, the One who's come to rescue us, our Savior and King, bring your past, the joy, the sorrow, all your hope to find tomorrow, and hear the words again, fear not, and know that God is near.

For any who feel led to pray with us through this forty days, know that we are so very grateful! I believe God is speaking, and He is stirring something in our hearts. Pray us through!


At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting Julie! I pray that God keeps speaking clearly to you. You have also created a desire in me for the same. I pray that we both have open ears.

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey babe,

It has taken me way too long to read your last post! I'm sorry. Great stuff though. I can't tell you how much I appreciate having you to wait with....Its not easy but it feels good to be doing what we are supposed to be doing and learning this patience, surrender and reliance stuff.

Thanks Jul!




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