Tell the World

Oh, thank God—He's so good! His love never runs out. All of you set free by God, tell the world! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so...Psalm 107:2

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Books and Studies

I have a stack of books I never seem to get through. It sounds very inviting to me to sit by the fire with a blanket over my lap, a good cup of coffee, snow falling outside, and dig into a good book. It sounds great. It just never happens. I have plenty to choose from, so while I appreciate the ideas of what to add to my list when Todd suggests another title, the reality is I just can't keep up. For one year, I participated in a leadership curriculum during which time we read one book a month together. I'm pretty sure that was the most books I have read in a year ever. I either don't make the time to read, or I drift off to sleep when I put a book in my hands.

There is a book that takes exception to that rule. There is a block of time that I need, even when the setting is less than ideal. Nothing else has the power to fill me up when I invest in it, or leave me completely dry without it. I crave it, and if I don't have it, I'm miserable. Everything in my life feels out of place when I haven't had some time of solitude for just me and Jesus.

I'm learning that this can take on different forms. God wired me for study. A great Bible Study fuels my fire in such a way that it is one of my favorite things to do. By the end of a course, though, I'm tired. I need time to just rest with some Scriptures to reflect on and pray. Sometimes my soul thirsts for praise music and singing, or a prayer walk soaking up nature, or reflecting through reading or writing. Sometimes I just like to be still. Sometimes I pray on my knees and sometimes I fall facedown on the floor. I'm learning to delight in the variety. One thing I know from the condition of my heart is that I need it. I need intentionally carved out time with Jesus.

I just finished the Narrated Chronological Bible. (If you compare this with my track record with books, this is quite an accomplishment! There is no other nearly 1,700 page book I have ever finished!) Within the first two days of being done, I already missed it. For the past year, every day there was something to hold me accountable to keep in God's Word.

As I read through Scripture as a whole, it was so evident to me that God has a plan that He is working through time. He is purposeful. He ordains details to accomplish His greater purposes. He is infinitely faithful, so that every word He breathes is brought to completion. This a work of His power and grace, not our efforts. We certainly haven’t earned it, nor could we. But He comes through, time and time again, because that is Who He is. He loves. He works. He is the Living God, very present and all powerful. We can count on Him.

I couldn’t possibly begin to understand all that He has written in His Holy Word, just as I couldn’t possibly contain Him in the corners of my finite mind. Even the details of history – names and events – are hard for me to keep straight. But I know this much for sure: The more I walk with Him, the more I love Him. The more I love Him, the more I want to know Him. Much remains beyond me, yet a beautiful mystery. I don’t need all the answers. He will teach me enough for today. There will always be great things to behold tomorrow too.

I love the dailyness of the walk through Scripture. Every day I could open His Word and hear Him stirring my heart or growing my understanding. I know I will continue on with daily quiet times, but I have a genuine hunger for His Word that can’t be quenched with a quick glance or a brief devotional. I want to be with Him.


At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want what you got.

Thanks babe!



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