Tell the World

Oh, thank God—He's so good! His love never runs out. All of you set free by God, tell the world! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so...Psalm 107:2

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Greater Gifts

Last night was both thrilling and heart-wrenching. The long awaited game started with great anticipation, and boy did the Buckeyes deliver! Within seconds, OSU was on the board with the first touchdown. We screamed, we jumped up and down; we were so excited, my sister could hear us all the way in Indiana and she called to cheer with us!!! What a way to start the game, first possession of the ball, and running the length of the field for a touchdown. The girls had their pompoms, and Maddie does a pretty sweet "O-HIO!!!"

We were ready to let the boys stay up to watch the game, until it was 10:15 pm. at half-time, and Buckeyes were being eaten by Gators. It was awful!! Our hearts were sunk, wanting to hold onto the hope that things would soon turn around. We sent the boys off to bed, hoping that Coach Tressel could inspire them in the locker room to a new game, and Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith could rally his team for a heroic win. Wouldn't it be amazing if they came back, shocked the scales off those beaming gators, and rose up from the pit and on into victory???

I have come to love Coach Tressel and quarterback Troy Smith. Tressel is a positive, strong coach, who is completely humble and inspiring. He roots himself in his faith in God, and that is evident not only in his testimony but in his relationships on the team and with anyone he speaks to. Troy Smith has a redemption story of his own, rising from the pit to great maturity and leadership. He too is humble and gracious in his words.

I remember the first time I tuned in to either of them and knew their names, was when Troy returned from being suspended. The media asked Coach Tressel if this impressive performance and win would now win back Troy's position and honor in the coach's eyes. The coach said he had already done that long before, and he absolutely affirmed Troy's ability and character. He showed how much he believed in him regardless of anything he had been through in his past. Forgiveness. New beginnings. Redemption.

I kept hoping for the miraculous come-back that never came. My heart sank for those Buckeyes. Caught completely off-guard, it wasn’t the game we had expected or wanted. This wasn’t the way this night was supposed to go. Funny, life feels that way sometimes – doesn’t it?

What if our loved one didn’t have to die? What if that accident didn’t happen? What if a relationship didn’t end or turn cold? For me, wouldn’t it have been great if Todd didn’t have to resign? Why have our years here looked so drastically different than what we had thought? Why do our dreams have to be so different than the way it actually happens?

Stepping back a few paces from the Buckeye game, the Gators really had an incredible night of glory. They fought hard. They did the unthinkable. They rose to the challenge and proved how hard they were willing to fight to win it. In the same year that their basketball team became champions, now they were champions of football too. I’m really bummed that the Buckeyes didn’t pull through and come out on top, but I have to admit (gulp!) that it really was the Gators night to shine.

Life happens. A football game is far different from death, tragedy or loss. But reality is, sometimes we feel sunk. God-reality is that there is always hope. He brings new life and new beginnings. Even when something happens differently than we wanted it to. We are crushed, broken, hurting, dysfunctional people. God-reality is that He brings wholeness. Healing. Redemption. Restoration.

I’m not trying to read God into football – I know it was just a game – but maybe from God’s perspective, the greater gift last night was for the underdog to win. Not that it wouldn’t have been a thrill for OSU to add another win to their team, but how much greater joy for the Gators to have come so far. I’m happy for their joy. I don’t dare ask a Buckeye fan, but all things being neutral, wouldn’t you think the greater gift would be for the Gators to have a chance too? No? (I know, hurts to say it!) Oh how losing can build character and make us stronger!

God seems to be all about giving the greater gift. If stories were rewritten with our own endings, we would most likely miss out on God’s best for us. I’m afraid my own written story would lead to a band-aid covering a need for open heart surgery, thinking it would keep me more steady and comfortable. God loves me enough to go for the deeper healing, the greater gift.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For in just a very little while, “He who is coming will come and will not delay. But My righteous one will live by faith.” Hebrews 10:35-38

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 This great gift, this reward that He longs to give us is more of Himself. Nothing can compare to it. Nothing could be added to it, for nothing could be greater. It is more than our hopes and dreams if we will open ourselves up to Him. We can trust His leading, even when the road ahead is uncertain.

I came upon this quote yesterday that a friend had sent us. “Not thwarted – not our wills, but Thine, O LORD. Man has not understood Me in this. I want no will laid grudgingly upon My altar. I want you to desire and love My will, because therein lies your happiness and spirit-rest. Whenever you feel that you cannot leave the choice to Me then pray, not to be able to accept My will, but to know and love Me more. With that knowledge and the love, will come the certainty that I know best, and that I want only the best for you and yours. How little those know Me who think I wish to thwart them. How often I am answering their own prayers in the best and quickest way.”

I had a tender "mom moment" on Christmas Eve. Our three oldest were in the Christmas Eve program at church. The kids all did such a great job. My tender moment, though, was when Samuel sang his solo as Joseph. Thinking both of the testimony of what God required of Joseph, and the desire of our hearts for our son to follow whole-heartedly after God, I was so moved by hearing Samuel sing these words: "Walking and working every day, such wonderful plans before me. I want to serve You all the way, trusting what I can't see. I could never have imagine all You've planned, and I can't forget the day it all began." All I could think was Amen, let it be so for me too, Lord.

I lay myself down again. Your will, Your way, Your timing. You alone know what is best for me.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Lisa M said...

Wow! What a wonderful post Julie. Thanks so much for sharing!

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This stirs so much inside me. Yielding to His Lordship is so hard sometimes but He certainly honors it with a more intimate knowledge of Him. I join you in that prayer!


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