Tell the World

Oh, thank God—He's so good! His love never runs out. All of you set free by God, tell the world! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so...Psalm 107:2

Friday, December 22, 2006

The Promise

My hands were so full it was almost comical. The girls and I were making cookies and candies to share with neighbors and friends. The timer was going off for the cookies in the oven, I had both hands occupied with dipping mini oreos in dark chocolate, when suddenly someone wiggled or bumped, and Emma had a huge glob of chocolate covering her hair and on her white shirt....and the phone rang.

I answered the phone and looked out the kitchen window at the most incredible glowing sky I have seen in a very long time. We've had lots of overcast days, lots of rain, and with the shortest days of the year, much darkness. This sunset was glorious and in an instant the entire backyard glowed in a golden splendor. I was awed at God's handiwork.

The phone call was Erin, on her way home she had seen a full rainbow filling the sky. She wanted to call someone who would appreciate it, and she chose me. Actually, I think God told her to call. I would have missed the rainbow because it was in the front of the house. It was an incredible Christmas gift to my heart.

In our forty days of prayer, soon coming to an end, the longing in our hearts has grown. We are ready for God to show up. We know He will (and in fact He has so frequently), but we are tired of the longing and wondering without answer. Every day the waiting feels prolonged even further. The rainbow is a symbol of the promise. Our Covenant God has not forgotten us, and He will not fail to remember or keep His promise. Praying friends, pray us through. The Christmas story was when the waiting finally reached its end, and the Promise came. Praise God for this indescribable gift!


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