Tell the World

Oh, thank God—He's so good! His love never runs out. All of you set free by God, tell the world! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so...Psalm 107:2

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Learning and Growth

Lately I've noticed our girls playing together by lining up their stuffed animals and dolls and teaching them school. Emma has taken it upon herself to teach Maddie her letters. She takes her pencil, points to the letter, and says,"Now what's this one, honey?" And praises her with, "Good job, sweetie!" It is incredibly cute. Maddie recites the letters she knows, and the rest of the dolls and stuffed animals sit still as a good student might, maybe waiting for their turn, who knows?

I just have to chuckle because I remember doing the same thing when I was a little girl. I had stuffed bears and dogs and elephants in my class, but wasn't so fortunate to have a little sister to answer my questions. I wasn't very fond of our last name, Hinkel. It didn't sound like a good teacher name, so I picked Miss Alger. That was my mom's maiden name, and my favorite grandfather's name. I loved playing school for hours as Miss Alger. I can see the teacher in Emma shining through as she loves every last detail of giving instruction and praise.

I'm one of those rare breeds who loves school. I used to sit on the front porch with my grandma at the beginning of summer and ask her what I should wear on the first day of school. I loved fresh supplies of folders and papers and pencils. I loved getting homework or sitting at my desk. It even carried on through college where my roommate would wonder what on earth I was doing at my desk for so many hours. I could always find things I wanted to think through, write, organize, or study.

While we lived in Wilmore, I was very blessed to be able to audit a few classes. It seemed ideal to me because they were classes I really wanted to take -- nothing mandatory. I wish I could have taken more, but the timing of having two of our babies there made it too busy to juggle classes with breastfeeding and diapers. Sometimes I dream of going back to school myself, but I wonder with a full household if there would ever be time. With our six years at Asbury, I feel like I already have two masters degrees -- they just have my husband's name on them instead of mine.

My mind and my heart almost feel cluttered by what I want to learn next. I have several things I would like to venture into deeper. Some days I'm not really sure where to start. One thing I'm embarking on though is some reflection on how God made me. I've started some counseling that I'm really excited about, just trying to sort through how my mind and my heart process things. I want to be the best Christ-follower, wife, mom and person I can be -- so if there are any areas where I am stuck or sacrificing freedom, abundant life, or joy, I want to discover them and allow Christ to work in me.

I'm not sure what nuggets of truth will be discovered in this process. With truth comes freedom, new perspectives, wisdom and insight. I'm excited to see how things in my life connect, or how new freedom can be unleashed. I'm excited for the growth and the depth that will come from the reflections, and seeing how God is speaking to me personally.

Jesus said, "My purpose is to give life in all its fullness"(NLT). "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full" (NIV). Jesus wants us to "enjoy life, and have it in abundance -- to the full, till it overflows" (AMP). Jesus brings us a "more and better life than (we) ever dreamed of" (MSG). Part of the abundant life He has for me will overflow all the more as I learn more about how He made me, and what areas to work through with Him. I believe it is a healthy part of discipleship and I'm grateful for the opportunity.


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